The Class at Marc Adams School of Woodworking on Oct 1. -7, 2012 was an action packed event, with 18 students cranking out an original cabinet/jewelry box with a curved front panel with veneer or marquetry, anywhere between 30” and 60” high. Quite an accomplishment for all 18 students, some of which had never done marquetry, or even cabinetry before. The work was fast paced, with 3 full size vacuum presses running curved work for three days straight, joining machines and hand tools everywhere. The pressure was on by Thursday and the school looked pretty trashed by Friday, and almost everyone completed what they set out to do, with an astonishing range of marquetry designs, which you can see here…
I enjoyed the 7 days of teaching, seeing all the different ways something can be done, along with the challenges of solving some of the most vexing problems and high stake dilemmas presented during the week, It was quite invigorating, inspiring and exhausting. However, great fun was had, wood chips, dust was made, and everyone cranked out some impressive stuff. I look forward to teaching here again in 2014 after my sabbatical !
Mike Harrinton finished his cabinet first and sent me his pic…… Karillian Birch, Mahogany with a Cherry framework. Very nice!!